
Thai oil massage



The Thai massage with oil is also known as a “relaxing combined massage” because it combines the benefits of oils with the effectiveness of traditional Thai massage, including the stimulation of SEN SIB energy lines. It is a technique that has been practiced for millennia and is based on an alternation of fluid movements, finger, and palm pressure. Oils and essences, with their important beneficial properties, have been used for millennia in Thai tradition for body care.

After a cycle of massages, the strong feeling of well-being experienced is due to the ability of these practices to act directly on the critical points of our body, easing tension, and releasing the body from stress

Questo trattamento favorisce l’ossigenazione dei tessuti perchè agisce sulla circolazione del sangue contribuendo a mantenere la pelle elastica e liscia.

E’ possibile fruire del massaggio con l’olio standard fornito dal Centro Massaggi, oppure scegliere tra oli particolari (olio di Karitè, olio Bio) o addirittura portarsi il proprio olio preferito da casa